Polco News & Knowledge

Equity and COVID-19: Government Peers to Share Invaluable Insights

Written by NRC | July 24, 2020

With two national crises challenging local government leaders, the discussion on community equity, wellbeing and recovery has never been greater.

So, National League of Cities (NLC) and Polco are hosting a roundtable discussion on equity and inclusion in the time of COVID-19. Join us on August 18 at 4 p.m. ET for an hour and 15 minutes to talk about these pressing issues, share ideas and hear solutions from your peers in municipal leadership.

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We know COVID-19 impacts daily life in your communities. You’ve had to respond to an unprecedented public health crisis while also working to make the best, most equitable decisions for your residents.

There is no textbook for local governments on how to handle these issues. But NLC, Polco and your fellow League members are here for you.

Join us for a constructive discussion on Aug. 18 from 4 - 5:15 p.m. ET with your local government peers from around the nation.

  • Discover how other cities are navigating the same issues you face in your community. 
  • Discuss building trust and making communities more welcoming.
  • Get highlights of important COVID-19 and equity data from Polco's National Research Center surveys. Learn how you too can do these surveys in your own community for free. 
  • Return to your community with a new foundation, creative solutions and in-depth context for navigating the future.

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