Polco News & Knowledge

How to Communicate Survey Data Results

Written by NRC | October 26, 2016

-Webinar Show Notes-

National Research Center, Inc. (NRC) features special guest speaker Kim Newcomer, CEO and Founder of Slate Communications, in this Coffee Break Webinar. Newcomer covers innovations and best practices for publicizing survey results and other big data. In this case, Slate Communications takes scientific data from The National Citizen SurveyTM (The NCSTM) in Edmonds, WA, and shows how to turn that data into an engaging, visual experience that would resonate with residents and the community at large.




Tell a Story
Use data to tell stories about services your organization provides. A good narrative does not list numbers alone, but instead allows those data to support the story.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The good, the bad and the ugly data are all equally important to share with your community. Sharing both higher and lower ratings demonstrates transparency and is the first step toward improving public trust and making positive change.

Context is King
“Data is great, but context is even better,” Newcomer says. NRC’s surveys offer not only individual community data, but also national benchmarking to put the data into perspective.  In a similar way, an effective narrator must communicate the greater context of the data when describing it to the community.

Make it Visual
“80 percent of people remember what they see, 20 percent remember what they read and only 10 percent remember what they hear. An infographic, on the other hand, is 30 times more likely to be read than a text article,” Newcomer says. Infographics tell visual stories, while still highlighting the most important pieces of data.

Infographic Guidelines
Simplicity is key. Avoid Clip Art. Consider hiring a graphic designer who has honed the craft of visualization.

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