Polco News & Knowledge

Press Release: Announcing the Formation of Government Performance  Action and Learning (GPAL)

Written by admin | September 7, 2022

Press Release: Announcing the Formation of Government Performance Action and Learning (GPAL)

Polco Works With Data and Research Leaders To Revolutionize How Local Governments Measure and Drive Performance

MADISON, Wis. -- Imagine government leadership empowered by the most important data, all in one space. In this era of infinite information, that ambition has seemed beyond human limitations—until now! A new partnership makes the dream a reality for governments. 

Polco joins leaders in local government, data science, and performance measurement to found a program called GPAL. Collaborators from Polco’s National Research Center and the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s think-and-do tank COWS pioneered the venture. Together, the group rigorously assembled the nation's most comprehensive public sector data set and established practices central to the partnership. 

Additional GPAL partners include: the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), performance management software company Envisio, the Arizona State University, and the Hoover Institution at Stanford University

“The private, public, and academic partnership brings together the best minds and the best data, at a time when government leaders need to make informed decisions," said Nick Mastronardi, Polco’s CEO. "They need useful data to optimize the use of unprecedented resources, a 41% increase year-over-year, that is being provided to state and local governments to serve their communities." 

"Local governments have greater demands on them and greater responsibilities than ever. We're excited to give them the best data and analytics available to do their important work," said Joel Rogers, Director of COWS. 

GPAL brings relevant community information together in simple but comprehensive indices and insights. It allows leaders to see connections between disparate community data that, before now, only lived in siloed sources. For example, decision-makers could explore resident perceptions about traffic and how they relate to mobility and law enforcement metrics. Or easily understand how parks and recreation opportunities affect community health outcomes. 

Polco is also planning to debut a first-of-its-kind online community participation and civic analytics platform with exclusive access to GPAL data and insights built-in. The release of the company’s next-generation subscription-based software solutions (SaaS) is scheduled for late 2022. Governments have largely lagged behind in using big data to inform decisions. As a purpose-driven technology company, Polco is changing that paradigm. 

“The data collected by our partners amplifies our historic data sets by giving context to quality of life ratings,” said Polco Senior Vice President of Innovation Michelle Kobayashi. “This new information gives leaders a more granular look at livability issues so they can make better, more informed decisions.” 

Learn more about the new partnership at polco.us/GPAL

For comments, contact: 

  • Michelle Kobayashi, Senior Vice President of Innovation for Polco, at michelle@polco.us
  • Nick Mastronardi, CEO of Polco, at nick@polco.us. 


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