Polco News & Knowledge

Voice of the People

Written by NRC | August 22, 2013

With ICMA's annual conference coming up in September, the NRC office is abuzz with excitement for the latest Voice of the People award winners. We've got a great crop of best practices to share with you over the coming months, and will announce the complete list of winners on September 23, 2013. In the meantime, here's a quick refresher on what the Voice of the People means:


The Voice of the People Awards are granted jointly each year by ICMA and NRC to the communities with the highest rated services according to a representative sample of their own residents. The awards recognize excellence in local governance and help to build a community of best practice leaders for the benefit of all.

Awards are granted to communities with the highest rated services (the Award for Excellence) and the services showing greatest improvement (the Transformation Award) according to a representative sample of opinion from their own residents. Winners are identified from the jurisdictions that conducted The National Citizen Survey™ in the previous calendar year.

Awards are made in two broad categories, with winners distinguished for each of nine different service areas within those categories. For a complete list of past winners, click here.

Voice of the People Awards are presented during a special ceremony at the ICMA Conference each year - a time for winners to share best practices and celebrate good governance with like-minded public servants.