Polco News & Knowledge

How to Get the Most out of Conferences

Written by NRC | September 20, 2016

National Research Center, Inc. presents a Coffee Break Webinar. Social Media Coordinator Erin Dixon sits down with Marketing Manager Angelica Wedell to learn how to maximize your conference experience.



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Prepare ahead of time

Typically conferences will post the schedule well ahead of time; familiarize yourself with it as much as possible. Prioritize the sessions you attend with what you think would benefit your career development the most.

Networking the right way

Professional networking may not come naturally to some people, but conferences are a great way to expand your connections. Don't be afraid to strike up a conversation. If you're short on small talk topics, relate the conversation back to the conference or even the host City.

Conferences with coworkers

If you are attending a conference with one or more from your staff, it's most beneficial to split up and reconvene at social events. Using each other as a crutch will inhibit the number of connections you create and even the number of applicable sessions you attend.

Social Media vs. Being Social

Technology usage throughout conferences can be helpful, but it depends on its purpose. Some people prefer to take notes on their laptop computer rather than handwriting them. Additionally, social media can be used as a tool to share important takeaways from the conference with your audience. Don't let your status updates keep you from participating in extra social events throughout the conference - these are opportunities to interact with new connections in a more relaxed setting.

After the Conference

It's important to follow-up with connections after the conference whether it be via email or on social networking sites such as LinkedIn. If you found some information useful from the conference, share it with your coworkers who might be interested but could not attend the conference.

Upcoming NRC Conference Appearances

NRC will be attending these Conferences and events:

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