Dear community members age [55 and up -- adjust to minimum age of sample],
We need your input! The [City / County / State / Area Agency on Aging / State Agency on Aging] is conducting a Community Assessment Survey for Older Adults to better understand the contributions that adults [55+] make to their communities, as well as the needs they have and challenges they experience. Your feedback will help us be sure that our policies and programs align with our residents’ values.
The survey will launch [this week], with [2,800] randomly selected households receiving a postcard invitation to take the survey online. A week later, these same residents will receive a printed survey in the mail with a postage-paid return envelope. Please watch for these invitations in your mailbox and take a few minutes to participate!
If you are not randomly selected for this initial survey effort, stay tuned: We will be sharing a link in [Month] that will give all members of the community a chance to complete the survey and share their input online. Look for updates on our social media channels in a few weeks! [If possible, insert info about/links to specific communication channels]
This survey is conducted in partnership with Polco, an online civic engagement platform that enables residents to provide direct input to local government decision-making processes. You can learn more about Polco here and see their Privacy Policy here. If you have any questions about the survey or our partnership with Polco, please reach out to [name] at [phone] or [email].
Thank you for your time!