To locate the URL for any Prioritization or Simulation project, first find the project and click “Edit”. You’ll see the URL underneath the project’s name.

Your simulation's URL is composed of two parts: the base (the initial part of the address, starting with https://) and the slug (the final part of the address, after the .com/). The base is permanent and stays the same for projects across your entire account. The slug is unique to each project and is assigned automatically based on the title.
While the base cannot be changed, the slug can be edited easily by clicking anywhere within that text. You cannot use spaces or special characters, and we recommend keeping the URLs simple and clear for end users.

If you anticipate having more than one active project in your account at any given time, you should share the entire project-specific URL (base + slug) with users. However, if you only plan to have one active simulation at a time, you may wish to only share the base, which will always default to the most recently activated project. If in doubt, share the exact URL for your project to be safe!