In some cases, you may decide to offer a paper version of a Polco survey in addition to the online version. If respondents send in a paper survey, you can input the response into your overall survey responses following the instruction in this knowledgebase.
To print a paper version of your survey, begin by clicking on the survey.
Click “Printable Preview” in the Actions box.

Select the language you’d like to print using the dropdown menu.

Click “Print/Download” under Options.

Download the survey, then upload it to your organization’s website and anywhere else that you want respondents to access the survey. Explain that they have the option to easily respond online or by printing the survey at home, then mailing it in. Be sure to include an address, such as City Hall or your administrative offices, where respondents can mail their paper survey.
Once the surveys are in, input them into Polco using the instruction in this knowledgebase.
Note that paper surveys should only be used when allowing guest responses on your surveys.