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Polco Knowledgebase

Select Multiple Options in Scenario Questions

Note: This article only applies to projects using scenario questions. 

If you are creating a scenario question, you have the option to allow users to select multiple response options. Some examples of when this feature can be useful include:

  1. Capital budgets
  2. Planning processes
  3. Economic development
  4. Deciding which features to include in a building project budget (e.g., indoor track, splash pad, yoga studio, etc.)

Within the scenario question control panel, you will see a check box for “Allow users to select multiple options?”. Enabling this checkbox will allow users to select multiple options for that particular scenario question.

You can also identify which options (if any) should be selected by default, using the “Selected by default” checkboxes on each option card.

Balancing Act scenario question with multiple options - screenshot

 Here is a sample of what the user would see with multiple selections enabled:

Balancing Act scenario question with multiple options preview - screenshot


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