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Polco News & Knowledge

Year of Transformation: Connect With Polco at the 2024 ICMA Annual Conference

See you in Pittsburgh for the 2024 ICMA Annual Conference - Polco

This is the year of transformation for everything from civic tech to job satisfaction in city management. Along the way, Polco looks forward to helping your organization find success. 

Join us at the 2024 ICMA Annual Conference in Pittsburgh, PA. Come find us for: 

  • Sessions on the most pressing local government topics
  • Cutting-edge civic analytics and engagement resources
  • Celebrating the Voice of the People Award recipients and certified data-driven decision-makers
  • A chance to meet up with your friends at Polco, including Polly - our AI data analyst

Plus, test your knowledge with Mini Trivia any time during Exhibit Hall hours at our Booth #431. 

See you there!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Trust in Local Government: Steps for Strengthening Resident Confidence in Community Leadership (Micro-Certification Course)

David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Meeting Room 316
8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Discover best practices related to engagement, transparency, community building, and data-driven decision-making. A special emphasis will be placed on building skills and learning how to best connect with residents of color and other historically marginalized groups. Learn skills that every local government—large and small—can use to build community trust. (Additional Fee Applies)

Featured Speakers: 

  • Michelle Kobayashi, Principal Research Strategist at Polco
  • Tobin McKearin, VP of Data Science at Polco

Monday, September 23, 2024 

The Secret Ingredients To Employee Retention and Wellness in Local Government 

David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Meeting Room 408-410
8:30 am – 9:30 am

New research reveals how employers can drive higher job satisfaction and keep workers around. In this presentation and panel discussion, you’ll hear from local government thought leaders about ways to best engage employees. Plus, get real-world insights to inspire your organization to support employee mental health and wellness, reduce burnout, and increase retention.

Featured Speakers: 

  • Corrie Johnson, Organizational Development Project Manager at the City of Port St. Lucie, FL
  • Lyman Locket, Human Resources Director at the City of Goodyear, AZ
  • Nick Kittle, Government Coach and Best Selling Author
  • Adrienne Wise, CEO of Wise Choice Counseling & Consulting Services
  • Michelle Kobayashi, Principal Research Strategist at Polco
  • Angelica Wedell, Communications Director at Polco (moderator)


SheLeadsGov Luncheon - Paying It Forward: Cultivating Tomorrow’s Leaders in Local Government 

David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Ballroom A
11:45 am – 1:15 pm

[ICMA Event] Join us to highlight the 50th anniversary of the first ICMA Task Force on Women in the Profession. See the latest research reported by Polco and celebrate the 2024 Leadership Trailblazer Award recipient presented by the League of Women in Government (LWG) and Polco. This luncheon also features a panel discussion to inspire and elevate women to leadership roles. (Additional Fee Applies).


Is AI the Answer to Data-driven Outcomes in Local Government? 

David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-405 
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) now offers a solution to the longstanding challenge of adopting a data-driven philosophy. Well-trained AI, designed specifically for the public sector, can leverage vast amounts of data efficiently so local governments can quickly unlock a wealth of actionable insights to inform policies and initiatives. In this session, join Polco data scientists and thought leaders to learn how to implement a strategic approach to AI and how it can make your job easier.

Featured Speakers:

  • Mark Funkhouser, President & Founder of Funkhouser & Associates
  • Nick Mastronardi, CEO of Polco
  • Tobin McKearin, VP of Data Science at Polco


How Small Community Leaders Can Best Leverage Resident Feedback and Participation  

David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Meeting Room 403-405 
2:45 pm – 3:45 pm

Knowing how best to leverage resident participation can be a game-changer for strategic planning and budgeting. In this session, you’ll hear from local government leaders of small communities. Learn how these jurisdictions leverage resident engagement and inspire strategic ways to use public input in your own organization. Plus, get an exclusive report from Polco data scientists comparing the strengths between large urban and small rural communities.

Featured Speakers:

  • Andrew Sturmfels, Assistant City Manager for the City of Healdsburg, CA
  • Matthew Schmitz, City Manager for the City of Independence, IA
  • Tobin McKearin, VP of Data Science at Polco
  • Chris Adams, Executive Strategist and Founder of Balancing Act from Polco


ICMA Local Government and Voice of the People Awards Reception

The Westin Pittsburgh, Room: Allegheny Ballroom II
5:30 pm – 6:30 pm

[ICMA Event] Come celebrate ICMA's Local Government and Polco's Voice of the People Award recipients and join us in recognizing their accomplishments and tenure in local government. (Invite Only)

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Wise and Wonderful: Building Stronger Communities Through Our Aging Population

David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Meeting Room 401-402
8:30 am – 09:30 am

[ICMA Session] This session will provide data presented by Polco that demonstrates the potential value that the senior population can provide to a community and the social/economic impact that seniors have on the local economy. We will share specific examples of how communities have strategically aligned local economic, social, and financial practices with the needs of their senior populations and benefited as a result.


Learnings from the Data-Driven Decision-Making Course Part I

David L. Lawrence Convention Center, Meeting Room 310-311
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

[ICMA Session] ICMA and Polco hosted an innovative certificate program whereby government leaders and staff developed the skills to better use data in strategic planning, budgeting, performance measurement, organizational development, and more. Class instructors Michelle Kobayashi and Tobin McKearin will share information on the importance and future of data-driven decision-making in this new era of governance, and the award-winning participants from the program will share their learnings through case study presentations.


featured report

Featured Report

Download your copy of "Make Informed Decisions with Confidence: Solving The Community Engagement Puzzle" today!