Polco News & Knowledge

Winter Survey Poetry of 2020

Written by Brian Smith | December 16, 2020


This year has been a tough one. So put on some comfy socks, grab a candy cane and a hot cocoa, and treat yourself to another edition of Winter Survey Poetry.

For the Love of Data
- By Heather Locke - 
Oh to be a survey!
Clear, easy and clean.
Poised to be helpful,

Presenting results, 
Concise, colorful and lean.

Dark Winter Reflections: A Haiku
- By Erin Caldwell -
The snow gently falls
Where have all our snow plows plowed?
Are residents trapped?

My Favorite Words that Rhyme with Survey
- By Angelica Wedell -
My favorite words that rhyme with “survey”
Often line up with a workday.
Some web meetings call for hairspray
Especially if it’s a Monday.
Certainly no time for horseplay,
Until Friday, well then, Okay!
Now days when I take a survey
I read it from my phone display.
Convenience is a true mainstay
Of connecting with most folks two-way.
And that’s what all the experts say.
I’m thinking of my friends today
Whenever COVID is way passé
I’d love to meet again someday.
Until then I want to say
Have a happy happy holiday!

City Manager Sugarplum Dreams
- By Erin Caldwell -
A manager pondered one night
I wonder what might delight
All in my town
Who voted hands down
For a winter festival bright

From Polco she knew
A festival new
Was needed for wintertime doldrums
She asked for feedback
On a plan of attack
And the sugarplum dance was great fun

Snow Plow Limerick
- By Erin Caldwell -
There once was a manager in town
She was slipping and sliding around
Then a bright sight
To her great delight
The snow plows came plowing downtown

Ode to Surveys: A Haiku
- By Heather Locke -
Residents speak up
Local gov listens closely
Feedback can bring change.

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