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Download your copy of "Make Informed Decisions with Confidence: Solving The Community Engagement Puzzle" today!
by NRC on February 6, 2015
As I looked through jurisdictions’ surveys conducted by my own organization and interviewed Scott Keeter, director of survey research at PEW Research Center, I uncovered a number of examples that offer reasonable proof of the accuracy of surveys that have no link to voting outcomes.
Mr. Keeter pointed to a series of studies by PEW that demonstrated close concordance of national survey results based on reports of about one thousand respondents on their demographic characteristics, health status, receipt of government benefits and more – with results from tens of thousands of Americans collected in U.S. government surveys.
PEW findings also showed close connection between the characteristics of those who responded to surveys (these days only 9 percent, on average) and those who did not respond when comparing party affiliation, financial status and voting behavior, giving real confidence that those who do respond are largely like those who do not.
In our own research on hundreds of unique places across the country we found these examples of survey accuracy (to list only a few). They are examples of concurrent validity because they show how survey respondent opinions are linked to existing conditions to which we would expect them to be linked, if the opinions were accurate.
When you receive the results of a survey, take a moment to assess whether resident opinions square with your understanding of the community. Do residents in sections of the city without recreation facilities give lower ratings to recreation opportunities than do residents near to parks and recreation centers? Do low recycling ratings fairly reflect the fact that the community offers no curbside recycling? Are public trust ratings in the dump, as expected, because the mayor was just sent to prison? Are quality of life ratings really high the year you receive a national award as one of the top 10 best places to live?
Even though response rates are low and falling, there remains plenty of evidence to support confidence in high quality local government survey results, and you should add a review of your own data, if doubt lingers.
Download your copy of "Make Informed Decisions with Confidence: Solving The Community Engagement Puzzle" today!
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